Since I have assembled a few of my favorite photos for each of the past several years, it seemed only fitting to continue the practice for 2020. I have plenty of sometimes humorous (sometimes not so much) screen shots from Facebook depicting the drama of COVID-19, riots in the street, the election cycle, wearing the get the idea. But when I review my photos from the year, I realize that not everything was a “downer.” Don’t get me wrong, I miss all the things that 2020 has kept from us, and these are difficult times.
Just so you know, I generally only take photos of things I would like to see again. FYI, there are MANY photos never taken, but the bottom line is, we are “Most Richly Blessed.” That’s the title of an old Jimmy Dean song that closes with the thought, “I asked for all things that I might enjoy life–I was given life that I might enjoy all things.”
With that in mind, here are a few photos that remind me of the good that was in my 2020.
The year began with the opening of “Sauced,” a new restaurant owned by good friends who flattered me by insisting on including several of my black and white photos, albeit on the wall to the bathroom!
The next big event was a trip to Waco, a Christmas gift for Sandra and two of the grandchildren. That’s when the pandemic hit–we had to cancel plans to fly home, opting instead to drive A THOUSAND MILES.

A lot of my favorites are simply shots of everyday life we often take for granted. The flowers still bloom and the “critters” are out there in the yard. The moon always makes a neat photo, even in black and white. Forgive the one collage of the “Death of Susie.” I just couldn’t resist the developing story.

Death of Susie, or, Susie's Demise
By May we had to gather, so we all wore masks and stayed outside. Guess it was a good thing, because two of the youngsters in this family photo tested positive for COVID just a few days later.

And then there was the family vacation we try to take every couple of years–Hilton Head Island is our favorite, even when hurricane remnants visit.

Milky Way on the beach

Livi "photobombing" Audrey's Senior portrait
With all the free time in quarantine this year, it turned into a book-writing and photo-experimenting time. Please excuse the “selfies,” but they were a learning experience with all that free time. (We all need a little "whimsy," especially in 2020.)

And then we had a White Christmas!
Town Center
Always love the Christmas Angel on Main

Christmas Eve!