Three years had been too long to wait for a beach trip, so we set out to correct that issue just before school was to begin in the summer of 2023. Not everyone arrived together as McKenna and Olivia were just coming home from THE WILDS (church camp) and came two days later. Livi suffered most of our beach week recovering from a camp souvenir, but made the most of it. Our week was on the fifth floor of Windsor II in Palmetto Dunes.

A highlight of the week was the August 1st Super Moon. Poppy had waited months to be able to photograph the moon rising over the water's edge, and was not disappointed. An added bonus for our first night was a massive electrical storm in the clouds that gradually moved in. To view a short video clip of the lightening in the clouds, click the button below.

Camille's photo of Livi

The four early arrivers did the customary church at Hilton Head Church of Christ, followed by lunch at the Hilton Head Diner. By Monday afternoon the late arrivers were trying out the beach. We made sure we had a meal at our old favorite, The Frosty Frog, where Sandra had her annual bologna sandwich.
Hilton Head Diner

Notice the ring, Alec!

Deer love grapes!

We closed out the last evening with a bike ride to the General Store. (The photographer was an iPhone on a sign triggered by an Apple watch!) For a brief glimpse of part of a bike ride, click the button below the photo.

Our group photo for the week ended up being one of our "famous" elevator selfies.